05 Mei 2009

si manusia gua= a caveman

so i start it all over again. there's nothing i have to wait. i start it again from the beginning: submit my CV to the companies and waiting for the feedback-if there's any feedback. now i find a new activity to spend my day that attract me so much-the facebook. yeah it takes my time. i'm loving to use it, to find my friends from elementary school to senior high school and of course find new friends. getting connected to them, make conversations. yeah i'm learning how to make myself so communicative because i'm not good making conversation with new people, i mean the new person i've just met. and i think that's why i'm still unemployed until now. but it's hard to make me speak. i just don't know what to talk. i used to be a listener not the talker. so when i'm in a position as a talker, i get blank because i don't know what am i supposed to talk.


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